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difference between reforestation and restoration

The Earth is our home, and in order to keep it healthy for generations to come, it’s essential that we understand the vital difference between reforestation and restoration. Reforestation and restoration may often be confused with each other due to their similarities, however these two concepts are actually quite distinct from one another. It’s important… Continue reading Understanding the Vital Difference between Reforestation and Restoration

common trees planted in urban areas

Did you know that trees are essential for sustaining life in towns and cities? Not only do they provide natural beauty and greenery, but they also give a benefit to residents by restoring balance to local ecosystems and reducing air pollution, flood damage, and other health risks associated with urban living. Unfortunately, many urban areas… Continue reading Planting Trees in Urban Areas: The Most Common Trees to Plant

can you plant a tree where one was removed

If you’ve ever removed a tree from your property, you know that it can have a drastic impact on the natural aesthetic of your outdoor space. Not only does removing or trimming a tree usually involve a great deal of energy and effort, but the sight can sometimes make you sad, knowing that nature has… Continue reading Planting a Tree Where One Was Removed: What You Need to Know

can you plant a tree in winter

Ah, the season of winter — a beautiful time of the year filled with snow, hot cocoa, and, of course, planting trees! While planting trees in the winter may seem counter-intuitive to some, winter can actually be the perfect time to get your tree planting projects underway. Before you start gathering the supplies and begin… Continue reading Planting Trees in Winter: What You Need to Know

can you plant a tree in the fall

With summer coming to an end and the holidays soon upon us, it’s time to turn our attention to the changing of the seasons and the necessary preparations that come along with them. One of the most important yet overlooked changes is the re-planting of trees. With the right know-how and a few tips, planting… Continue reading Planting Trees in the Fall: What You Need to Know

can you plant a tree in summer

As we edge ever closer to summer – the days longer, the sun hotter – the pressure is on to make sure we give our gardens the necessary TLC to make them flourish in the longer days. Planting trees in the summertime is a popular activity across many households as homeowners look to build outdoor… Continue reading Planting Trees in Summer: What You Need to Know

can you plant a tree anywhere

Oh, planting trees! What an incredibly meaningful activity that has a positive impact on practically every one of us. From providing food and shelter for wildlife to mitigating climate change, planting trees is beneficial for the planet and our future. But, planting trees isn’t as easy as it seems and there are many considerations you… Continue reading Planting Trees Anywhere: What You Need to Know

benefits of planting trees on farms

Famers have a tough job. They have to be in tune with nature, have a handle on biology, and be heavily reliant on the forces of weather. But one thing they can do to be more a part of the natural cycle of their land is to plant trees on their farms. Trees provide a… Continue reading Planting Trees on Farms: The Many Benefits and How to Get Started

benefits of planting trees close together

If you’re looking for a way to successfully replant trees in an environment where the tree population has been affected or devastated, planting trees close together is a sound strategy. While there is no single solution when it comes to reforestation, planting closely-knit trees is widely seen as an effective approach—and for good reason. benefits… Continue reading The Benefits of Planting Trees Close Together: A Guide to Successful Reforestation

benefits of planting trees and fruit bearing

Let’s talk about a topic that is near and dear to so many of us: growing your own food. We all want to enjoy the bounty of a garden or farm-to-table lifestyle, but sometimes we lack the necessary space or knowledge of what to grow. Planting trees and fruits is not only an enjoyable activity,… Continue reading Plant Trees and Fruits: The Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

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