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Category: Tree Pruning

Tree care tips

As interest grows in saving money by not hiring professional tree-care services, DIY tree pruning becomes popular among homeowners wanting safe and healthy trees. However, while pruning is important for tree health, jumping into DIY without knowing the risks can do more harm than good. Using safe methods to prune trees is essential to avoid… Continue reading DIY Tree Pruning: Is It Safe?

tree trimming

Are your trees looking a little worse for wear? Do you notice them leaning or swaying more than usual? If so, it may be time to consider a tree support system. Trees, like any living organism, can experience weakness or damage that requires additional support to ensure their stability and longevity.  In this article, we… Continue reading When Do You Need A Tree Support System?

cutting branches of a tree or pruning

Trees are a vital part of our environment, providing oxygen, cooling shade, and shelter. But did you know that regular pruning is essential for their health and aesthetics? In this article, we’ll explore why pruning is so important and how to go about it safely and effectively. Definition Of Tree Pruning Tree pruning is the… Continue reading The Importance Of Regular Tree Pruning For Tree Health And Aesthetics

how to keep a tree from growing too tall

With the arrival of fall, many of us are looking forward to cooler temperatures and trees that have changed colors and dropped some leaves. But there’s an important tree maintenance skill you’ll need to learn before the end of autumn if you don’t want your trees to grow too tall: pruning. Pruning, the process of… Continue reading How to Keep a Tree from Growing Too Tall: Pruning Tips & Techniques

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